On August 14, 2021, a major earthquake devastated the southern department of Haiti. More than 2,000 people and livestock perished. High up in the Mountains in a community called Camp Perrin, farmers were already facing an alarming climatic shift with issues of deforestation causing landslides and decaying soil. International NGO’s have also exacerbated the disaster by using these desperate conditions to turn Farmers from self-sufficient to being dependent on aid. ESKWAD turns the lens on one local organization, MP3k who have been on the forefront of the Peasant Movement helping to turn the page of agriculture in Haiti. Weeks after the Earthquake, ESKWAD captures a small grassroots organization in Haiti at the center of authentic community development. ESKAWD captures Haitians using unity as their key ingredient in cultivating sustainability in agro-industry.
Director: Keziah Jean
Genre: Documentary short film
Duration: 12 min
Country: Haiti
Year: 2022